on macs and pcs

May 02, 2008 22:43

y'know another reason I was stressed? I'd forgotten about it, but it certainly weighed on my subconscious. Try "essays from last term not being returned yet." Well, two of three were returned today- and good news on both! The Harris one, the Hebrew/Irish one half of which was reused from Máire two years ago, got me a 2.1 (translate that like a high B), while the Saeed, my metaphor baby, the one I was soooo excited about, received a 1! That's top marks. Oh, I couldn't be happier about it. He said that the exceptional creativity of the paper put it in the 1 range. His only disputes were lack of diligence in my in-text citations (true, those might have been inconsistent) and the thought that this could have made a good paper on blending- but acknowledgment that I'd chosen the title not about blending, so for what it was, it was good. I'm so pleased that Saeed likes me (metonym: author for work)!

Off to celebrate Josh's 30th and my 75 (remember, in the states they mark down from 100%, while here they mark up from 0% and anything above 70 is a 1). Wahey!

p.s. Alon invited me along to a concert of Ravel, someone, and Stravinsky. They played Rite of Spring. Thankfully, I didn't remember a bit of my analysis from music theory in 12th grade.

good day, out, essays, music, birthdays

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