walk on the grass, it was meant to FEEL

Apr 25, 2008 23:32

yesterday's entry:
dude there was bluegrass on grafton street this afternoon! I was past them before I thought to give them money to show how they made me smile. and I was on a tight schedule so I decided I couldn't turn back.

the pre-advanced class I started teaching this week is at a hair's breadth of a lower level than my Mon/Weds pre-advanced. It's kinda good, because I know they'll be challenged by the work whereas I don't think my MW really is.

today's entry boils down to: 1) annual chametz dream (it was girl scout cookies... and sarah offered me some of her "spice" flavored peanut butter, which came with beads and charms inside and was sparkly blue). oh, and also I was in this disney movie in which some dude looked at me, fell in love with me, and his head started glowing. since I knew it was a Disney movie, I knew I'd fall for him eventually so resigned myself to it even though he was 8 or 10 years older. 2) matzah lasagna with K last night (success, as always), 3) in cooperation w/Food & Drink Soc's food week, Passover food tasting today (grand success). also, playing Everybody Says Don't to Karolina and looking at apartment listings with her. Nothing available in June is up yet (it's all for moving in at the start of May), and even so it's pretty much all 700+ each per month. This real life stuff is hard.

I'm getting a bit worried- today's payday, but my paycheck hasn't come through yet (and I've been checking online). Um? If that doesn't happen I have 30 euro to live on for the month. I'll go in during working hours Monday if nothing's happened over the weekend and figure things out. I'm starting to worry about this- but there's nothing I can do until Monday, and I have enough to last me til then, anyway (and money in the States if worse comes to worst). I can also use that 25 euro voucher from the heart rate study at a couple of Super Valu locations for groceries.

money, food, dreams, dublin, teaching, apartment

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