critical mass

Apr 09, 2008 14:15

i vote we start today over and change the following:

1) coughing fit at 8am (yes mom, i'm getting something with codeine today)
2) alarm not going off; me awaking at 9:40 instead of 9
3) rescheduling day to accommodate not-laundry-at-9 and still be here for emma's phone call at 11
4) waiting around til 11:15; texting emma who said "oh hey can i call in an hour instead?"
4a) i could have done my laundry in that time
4b) when she is on time, she is On Time, but when she's not she doesn't tell anyone. it's a double standard which doesn't happen often but when it does it's always at inconvenient times for me!
5) 2 loads into the washers with no problems, except that load 1 continued to REEK after the ("super") wash (with extra detergent) was done so i had to blow another 3 quid to re-wash it
6) back to goldsmith with my wet clothes in a suitcase. my keycard doesn't work at the lift. or at the stairs. or at the entrance across the street. karolina is not at the DART station at the expected time, so I schlep into the JCR to ask the guy at the front desk to let me into my room with my suitcase before I trek back to accommodations to get a new key.
7) meet with K, get really pissed at people walking slowly and stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, part ways and get to accomms to realize that it's 1:15 and they are on lunch break until 2
8) tell emma i'm going to find a pay phone booth (cause her "free calls to anywhere" plan doesn't extend to mobiles and voip-to-skype doesn't work either)... first booth has no number marked anywhere. (ran into a street canvasser, told him i was a tourist and wished him luck.) second booth has got no number either so i spend 10 minutes on the phone to the customer help line trying to ask them the number, but it's not showing up on their machines at all. third payphone i find the number, but when emma calls i can't hear anything.
9) em calls my cell; i've long since decided i couldn't deal with a boring stats class (my cough would be disruptive, anyway, and i have to save all my energy for not-coughing during tonight's class) so we plan a call for 4pm.
10) back to laundry, flip the no-longer-stinky stuff, bum around until accomms opens again. apparently my key card turned blank overnight.

anyway i'm home now, thank god, and i'm hanging up my wet laundry then going back to pick up my dry laundry. and then i'll talk to emma. i know none of these stress points are critical, but they built up on each other making me just way mad.

oh, and apparently jdog has a thing for me. why do i always fucking attract the pedants? anyway, assya and rossa are official (awwwwwww). diarmaid i'll probably see at the end of the week- rossa's having a party and i mentioned bringing d along. if D wants to.

within the flat, we've finally set up a cleaning schedule and timeline (at least until "housekeeping" comes to check our cleanliness next week). Alon insisted at first that we do something "when we think it's dirty," but I convinced him we had to make a schedule instead. oi va voi.

friends, stress, flat, to do, bad day

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