like the last scene of the video

Jan 10, 2008 22:42

enough warnings. i have a new anthem.

wounded knee is fixing itself well. Doctor says it's all superficial and I can work out tomorrow.
(That's right. I wiped out while carrying like 120lbs of luggage and banged my knee in the middle of Westmoreland/Grafton/Nassau Street just behind the taxi rank.) Thank God Alex was there to pull me up and away (NO WORRIES it was mid-red light, way long and far enough for the first slowly approaching driver to stop). Funny story, I ran into this dude Alex who lives in Goldsmith in the Newark airport. He flew in from San Francisco and was on the same flight from NJ to Dublin. We spotted each other in the line for Ben & Jerry's.

The knee sports an impressive bruise and a couple nice scabs, and is feeling loads better every day. And I'm going to do semantics homework before I go to bed tonight. Yes, the stuff that's due on Monday. Yes, I am.

And Michael and I are sale-hopping tomorrow, then going to progressive shul. And JSoc is going to be amazing this year. Such good things in store.

jsoc, friends, emo, to do, pain

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