home from london, oh yeah

Dec 11, 2007 22:29

and have been for about 24 hours. London was great, the two days i did get to spend there. I met plenty of Natalie's friends, ate cheese and Indian food (this amazing lamb dish with cream, curry and loads of cardamom), had good falafel, got lost on the way to Covent Garden and found the National Gallery instead (then got to Covent Garden after that), bought a dress for Xmas Commons on thursday (it makes me feel like a christmas doll), and had good cousin time. not to mention finding kosher food at her local Tesco Express (it matters that it was in Maida Vale, apparently a Jewish neighborhood).

today i had a reuben for lunch with avi and the place looked like a real honest to goodness deli inside! The only thing missing from that sandwich was the marble rye -- they stuck it on ciabatta instead. also they put a pickle on it. not quite right.
ah well. tomorrow is an afternoon together and then night in at his place with indian food and movies.

on the side of love, my plate is totally full! I have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband AND wife (avi, moishe, clay and larissa, respectively). Rachel and I made it official today on Grafton Street when she held my arm to help keep the walking crowds from separating us.

Denverites: a few announcements.
First off, I'll be home this Friday night.
1a) If anyone wants any imports from Dublin (Cadbury chocolate? Real Guinness? Waterford crystal?) let me know by 11:59 Weds/12am Thursday so I have the day to go find it for you. Price will determine if I ask for reimbursement (say, that Waterford crystal).

1b) on food. While I'm home, I need to eat: Chipotle, Jose O'Shea's, bubble tea, a deli, and maybe Casa Bonita and El Meson. Not to mention sushi. I'm looking for willing volunteers to assist me on any and all of these foodquests. And we need some Odwalla smoothies to wash most of that down. I miss those so much.

2) Saturday, the day after I get back, is this awesome-sounding show at the Soiled Dove called Good for the Jews. Anyone wanna go with? 21+ is the only restriction.

food, friends, home, to do, boys, concerts, travel, lists

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