it's gonna be a happy new year

Sep 13, 2007 00:56

attended a press conference held by Congresswoman Degette about a bill designating 62 areas in our state as Wilderness; met all of the Boulder canvass office although I was the only one from Denver in attendance (sloppy, as our office is not four blocks away from the park where the conference was held)
got myself a Dave Brubeck CD thanks to the library
found myself suffering like five new bug bites, two of which are ON MY FACE
learned a great Yiddish curse: "May all your teeth fall out.... except one, and may that one get a toothache."
canvassed all of 95 bucks (and had the best night on the HRC crew, which is a really sad story)
ate pizza, drank beer
was (am) kept awake by Dad's horrendous snoring. He's been going for about an hour, but once or twice a minute the pattern changes, so I don't have time to get used to it.
Vey. I'm going to try to sleep.

environment, jew stuff, work, music

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