Jul 26, 2007 00:21
made $70 in my first hour. i was like, woo! great neighborhood!
the following three and a half hours gave me nothing.
turn-downs include a callback (guy who went to research it online, I returned an hour later -- those usually are quite promising) and this Jewish family who I had so much to identify with! It's been nine years to the day since my bat mitzvah (I should go to services on Saturday -- we do a triennial cycle so it'll be my parsha again), and their son's about to have his, and they knew Brandeis, and the dad and one of the sons are reading Chomsky and I was like, "these mofos are totally going to give" and they most totally did NOT! I'm like, yes, you're going through a bar mitzvah, but you're in Greenwood freaking Village and I know you can spare ten bucks a month. Thirty-five for a one-time! it's NOT a huge sacrifice and it would have pushed me over quota for the day.
We also got freaking poured on -- the Jewish family offered to let me stay in until it let up but I had a few more houses to cover plus that turndown callback. OY. I am glad there was a thunderstorm, though.
The directors I'm talking to say I sound great in roleplays, so "it's not me, it's the neighborhood" or whatever. I'm just tired of not making money when I think my canvassing sounds good. I'm picking up new tactics every day to make me a stronger canvasser, but I can't see the results yet, and I'm still supposed to be making $100 a day. Right now, my averages mean I need $157 in each of the next two days.
On the plus side, talked to director Ali who agreed that I should take Monday and Tuesday off next week since, if I were not to make quota those days, it'd be counted as a whole nother week (and I'd be let go if I didn't make quota two weeks in a row). We also had great chats about travel and Harry Potter.