despite four people saying "it's too late" to do anything about global warming

Jul 21, 2007 01:06

made my week's quota by breaking $50 tonight, averaging $100 for my two days. My last new member was a lady who invited me in, offered me water, and chatted about b'nai mitzvah when I learned her son's having one next month. Renewed my faith in humanity, she did.
had a brew from Wynkoop with all the coworkers -- left my card and tab there
bought the new Harry Potter with a bunch of the CAC gang
retrieved card, paid tab
Drove home.

I'm too tired to start the book now, but Z and his friends' noise may keep me up so I'll start it anyhow.

thus ends my first half-week on ECo!

my field manager today, Ron, invited me to a drum circle Sunday night. I'm so in.

drums, work, books

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