that's the way that i get things done

Jun 12, 2007 22:26


how can i type into a lesson plan when i don't have the lesson plan document attached to the email that giles said it was? HMMMM?

would have been nice to know this before the night before, but, you see, celta only gives us one night for lesson planning. last night i was planning today's lesson.

i shall let myself stew for a little while and get on with it, making notes on the scribbled-all-over only paper copy of lesson plan i have. then get to bridge early, inform a trainer of the oversight, and use a computer lab computer to fill in the sheet and print it.

i don't know why this is stressing me out SOOOOO much, but maybe it'll peak for the week right now. anyway, i don't have to do a lesson plan tomorrow night (unless i want to divide up the work for friday's lesson plan -- smart idea and more likely to be done since i actually THOUGHT of it beforehand -- tonight i had an extra hour at the place waiting for my carpool buddy, and rather than think ahead, maybe check my email for the lesson plan document, i dicked around online for an hour instead).

the key is to START the damn thing. the rest will follow. instructions are really detailed, anyway; all i have to do is fill out a lot of crap and make worksheets.

eta. got the lesson plan from tamara. now typing up my handwritten bits. handout will be made in the morning, cause as soon as this is done i'm going to BED.

stress, celta

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