wondering what even worse is still in store

Apr 27, 2007 08:30

on-the-water tantrums? the stoic sarah crying during warmups because she's slept less than 9 hours since sunday? PLUS rain? = shittiest row all week (which is saying something considering the pseudo-asthma-attacks and nearly falling asleep in bow since wednesday.
anyway, I hold to the belief that it can only improve from here. not least of all due to party tonight! I'm torn, though; Sushi Yasu for naomi's birthday, or the ling party at Henrietta's place? I have to go with the first, and hope I can see all the ling kids (and profs) at graduation or something.

still cold and wet. thinking of staying inside all day, although I really need the math review.

forecast to rain today and tomorrow. are we still doing a car wash if it's raining?

time to get work done. last night I wrote the f4 email I'd been sitting on for a week or two, just to get it out so it could be off of my mind, and I think I opened some literary floodgates. Three pages a day and I'll be done quite before the deadline. I can do that. I can do this.

weather, is, bad day, crew

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