man oh man

Mar 18, 2007 17:45

our landlord came by last night to clear the parking lot.
he took out the snowblower and sprayed slush onto the sides of the houses he rents. it was QUAL-I-TEE. and because snowblowers are not equipped for heavy slush or the melted water underneath it, a lot of it wasn't taken care of. I'm dubbing him Mr. Quick-Fix. Your oven runs 50-100 degrees too hot? I'll clean off the heating element. That should fix it. Hot water valve in the shower potentially broken? I'll turn up the water temperature. And spray icy slush all over the sides of the houses.
this morning, I keep hearing cars crunch over the icy snow-layer and thinking it's thunder. Like, every time. Wishful spring thinking.

Four years ago it was snowy right around Paddy's, too. I just hope it's the end of it for this year. I really don't want to row in the way-cold. Tomorrow we move into the boathouse. It will suck.

I've come up with a thesis statement for my independent study. It's of the type that you think of early on as a side note, dismiss in favor of more interesting/relevant/cool ones, and come back to when you realize that it was a good idea, after all. (at least, I hope so-- I emailed Janet about it today and await her response.)
Thing is, I'm worried it's a foregone conclusion. One of the Irish committees for studying attitudes on Irish published the same idea in 1973 (even though I came up with it independently). My paper would, then, explain how the problem is still the same today, and that the government and popular interest have good intentions but are aiming them in the wrong places.

As for the party, it was quiet but nice. As many as eight guests were here at once. Josh g copped out due to parental concerns of black ice and drunk drivers. Bonnie had a lab report to do. Blah, blah. All the Guinness was finished (my biggest concern), and the novices' contributions repaid one bottle of whiskey. Holly dubbed my truffles "orgasmic" and I got a couple guys to try baba ghannouj for the first time. Most of the party time was spent sitting around watching Nick GAS -- it was hardly a parade in Dublin, but it had its merits. Just after the novs left, cousin Julia and her boyfriend showed up, and we played Apples to Apples with a soundtrack of Boondock Saints on TV. After everyone left, I admired my clean apartment, put the dishes in the sink, and passed out for nine hours.

is, apartment, party

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