janet's response to my unsuccessful tries to get to brown ALL weekend:
"wow. do you think maybe we've been cursed?"
how do i take that one?
BUT, I was able to get in today. With the help of
katancelt I've trimmed the statement down to a few lines past two pages. Now I get to put in theory and incorporate those of Janet's comments that apply to what hasn't been trimmed.
TCFI had indian buffet for lunch. sometimes I think that Indian food exists to remind us that life can't be all bad.
while I'm here, a school update. Classes start tomorrow. I'm going to sit in on both AOKO and musical theatre (and stats).
spazerrific said her bf heard AOKO is going to be physics-heavy (it has to, I suppose, to learn how the ancient Romans figured out their technology), but I have, by choice, never taken physics. If I don't want to do either of those QRs, maybe I can weasel my way into psyc stats.