
Oct 31, 2006 17:52

dear study abroad office:

the system says you have my program evaluation papers!
and yet, because YOU LOST the actual document, you put a hold on my registration.

Thankfully, when i called the office just now and asked about it, the kid firstly checked the system. which says my papers are in. he removed the hold, I registered for CLAS 145 (which is the one I'm more worried about filling up; it was at 26 of 30 at like 4), and THEN they called back saying they had to put the hold back on because they frigging couldn't find my papers. On the plus side, I don't think that putting the hold back on has removed me from the class I registered for. and I'll go and freaking redo the program evaluation tomorrow. Gah.

also, dear facebook:
...the tee eff? Nothing I do is going through and you keep asking me to log in. I'm peeved.

Maybe this is Teh Intarweb's way of saying I need to get working on my essays?

I need more tissues.

school, letters

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