new hamps champs. and french toast.

Oct 14, 2006 21:40

the regatta.....
was sunny.

oh, so last night I got a call from a concerned chocomeow saying she heard there was a fire on my street, and making sure I was okay. I was, and had had no idea that a fire was burning just up the street, but septicidal and I looked out the window and sure enough saw the fire trucks' lights.
In the morning, I walked by a bunch of burned furniture on that lawn. Also I saw a skunk rummaging through a neighbor's trash.

we met at the gym and saw some events! first, a car smoking from under the hood, and fire trucks to take care of it. a bus had parked blocking one end of the roundabout we usually park in, yet both corke and sarah g pulled into it. and we started off driving the wrong way, but turned around at the commuter rail tracks.

at the race:
our conditions sucked ARSE. it felt like rowing on a windy ocean. we had a lot of power, if only because there was no other way to get through the wind. The tape on my hand fell off halfway through.
Sarah won bronze in the women's singles event! And medaling brings me to the real talking point of this day.
The results initially said that our A boat had taken first in the open women's event, with the second boat in 13th (top of the B, or "JV" as Ellen called 'em, boats and ahead of one A) and the third boat in 16th. This led to a lot of self-doubt on my part, a lot of angst, a lot of having wanted to be in that boat, and a lot of worry that being sick for those two and a half weeks really just took me out of commission for the rest of the season, and a vow on my part to work myself (yea, overwork if it would help) to take Eve's seat in that boat.
We soon heard that the results had been contested, and then later learned that their time had been mis-entered as two minutes faster than it had been. Turns out they took tenth in the race. This felt better because I knew my boat hadn't had our asses handed to us quite as hard, and it was hard to believe that a boat that really wasn't THAT far from us in anything could suddenly do so much better. Absolutely a letdown for the girls, I know, and I'd feel horrible having that happen to me, but I couldn't help but be jealous when they thought they'd taken first. It is not in my nature to sit back and let other people enjoy things I could be taking advantage of instead, and that is a facet of my character that I accept (cause I'm not going to change it).

Then the boys raced, and I screamed out my frustrations cheering for them, sortof wrecking my voice for the afternoon. That was okay, though.
There was shopping, and I found pogies and ALSO: mermaid-green spandex shorts and a tiger-print crazy spandex sports bra that is not really for function as much as looks and good ol' LHS pride. I pwned a few trick photography shots and we all headed home.

tonight I'm to a mod party for a li'l while. Tomorrow I'm sleeping in. And then I'm making challah french toast. That's an open invitation, y'all!

food, races, emo, party, crew

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