is more than i can explain

Aug 03, 2006 15:02

Dear anonymous,
I can only assume you found my Relay for Life donation page through this LJ (and if I'm wrong, I guess you'll never know). Thank you sincerely for your generous donation. I don't presume to speak for anyone else, but please know that I appreciate the kindness you've shown. As per the icon, you are my Big Damn Hero.

Apart from last night's scoop of sorbet and about half a bite of digestive this morning, I'm doing an ingest-liquids-and-then-only-minimally Tisha b'Av fast. I figure that less than a week after giving blood it's probably a bad idea to fast entirely for 25 hours. Also, it was sortof a snap decision AND I've never fasted for Tisha b'Av before, so I figure doing this level of semi-fasting is still good. Because it's my choice, also (unlike Yom Kippur), I'm reminded why I'm doing it every time I think of my hunger. I pray for safety for Israeli troops and an end to the fighting that is as speedy as possible. Speaking of, conspiracy theorists or no, the death toll has changed...

finally, lovelily, another (heavy!) thunderstorm.

three weeks from yesterday, I'll be back in Boston. I can't wait. (still, Denver friends, this means we must see each other before my time to go arrives. this summer has flown by quicker than any other in my memory.)

Zach got the here's-your-roommate letter from Tufts yesterday. His name is Omar Hajj and he lives in a flat in London. Mother is concerned.

my henna's almost all gone.

last night: tim never called (let alone showed up). nevertheless, clay and emma and I had a bajillion-course pickanick feast as the bands (P-Nuckle opened for Rubber Planet) played: fresh wings from Morrison; Whole Foods cheese and crackers; pita and Famous Baba Ghannouj; gazpacho with sour cream, avocado, and crumbled sour cream & onion potato chips; the chips; fruit slices with key lime dip; Gushers and mini-brownies. Perrier to drink (of course). And I loved the movie. I've got a new crush on whoever played Cameron.

friends, jew stuff, thunderstorms, relay, z, boston, craic

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