(no subject)

Jul 10, 2006 01:50

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIG_710!!!!!! Love ya, babe, and now you're legal! I'd buy you a drink if I were in your town now.

the Irish Festival today was great. Spent some little while chatting with Mrs. Frazer (of LHS, who's been volunteering at this thing since forever), and trying to find Yiddish words that have been assimilated into English that don't start with sch-. Putz, futz, and kvetch were what we came up with. Then tonight I thought of drek.

The rain lasted all day yet again. the whole park was pretty much flooded. I wore capris (nothing ground-length, for sure!) and my shower flip-flops, so that I could get them completely wet and muddy and it would not at all matter. my feet were not too cold; they just got really, really muddy. I have a photo to show... later. I have many photos, in fact.

Met Sean from Tipperary, who moved here in '57, and told me about a Thursday night session at Hampden and Federal and he really wanted to see me there. Met Stuart Hayner, who I think is actually a biggish name in bodhrans, who lent me his drum because the humidity made my Ruairi too floppy-skinned, and told me of a session at Fado on Monday. Saw a kid who was definitely meant to be Peter's little brother. And he had on a Great Big Sea sweatshirt and played box and tinwhistle.

through the course of the weekend, I had come into possession of four free-drink tokens on Sunday. That was fun. I had some Celtic Crossing liqueur, peach mead, Guinness and more Guinness. and then a big bottle or two of water.

My favorite groups that I saw were Enter the Haggis, the Bridies, Gobs O'Phun, and Hunting for Haggis. Beth Paterson was also pretty darn good.

As I was watching Hunting for Haggis, who should I spy but Tim (Emma's friend, from dancing and such) and two friends! I spent the rest of the evening with them and had great times. Taught Tim the two dances I know from Laure, and he was really good at them. (So glad he loves dancing.) We slipped on the wet grass during the spinny one for reels, though. Also, we got yelled at for standing in front of the boring-ass seated people. Martin went to argue with the "Down in front" lady while Tim, Jefferson (was it Jefferson?) and I stayed out of it, and then a bunch of people came up and gave us their support -- mostly just words of encouragement, but some came to stand and dance with us, and the Bridies quite enjoyed that. Bollocks to the a-holes sitting down.
We were definitely a favorite of the girls, just for dancing. One of them wanted to see Tim get up and dance (after seeing him do it for about fifteen seconds), but he wouldn't. "My teacher would be so mad with me..." But I still got him to do the partner dances, which makes me very content.

I also ran into Tim of Gobs O'Phun, who asked how he knew me, to which I said, "musician check-in this morning? And I saw you guys last year." He was blown away that I knew the words to almost all their songs. My secret? Three drinks and an already-easy willingness to mutter some wrong words on my way to quick learning. Also, I bought a CD last year, but have lost it. He said he'd gladly replace it, and though I declined him thrice, I would have taken him up on it if I'd seen him again after the Bridies set. At any rate, I'll check out when and where they'll be playing, as they're local at least to the state.

and then more dancing, and good times with the Bridies, and then -- oh then! -- I obtained Tim's digits. Emma was reluctant to give them to me last night (so I coulda called him to see if he'd come today), as she should have been, for I'm sure it would have been no good to have me call him unannounced. He's shy 'round girls that way. But now I have them, and he said he'd lend me his Irish textbook and lexicon (which will be useful by themselves as well as a way to see him again, maybe even by ourselves? at a coffeeshop or somesuch?). And then we yelled competing town names at each other.


I came home with muddy feet, ringing ears, a floppy drum, a new true luff (he dances! he drinks! he cusses! a real person, this one!), and a renewed vigor for all things Irish. The next huge project (say, after learning Irish) is going to be learning fiddle.

Just finished watching Huckabees.... and all I can say is that Albert and Brad really should have made out at the end. It would have made sense -- at least to me. but I liked the movie. It amused me. Lily Tomlin, Dustin Hoffman, Mark Wahlberg, Jason Schwartzman -- all cracked me up. Jude Law's accent was almost convincing, although I think I was listening just a bit too hard for flaws.

boys, friends, movies, session, irish fest, music, birthdays

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