monday you can fall apart

Jun 16, 2006 07:37

happy birthday, chetanh! hope it's a lovely day for you.

you all gave me no help as to my Young Dubs decision. so, I stayed at Clay's. and, am ashamed to admit, fell asleep during Serenity. (Mr. Universe take 1 is the last I remember.) But it's only because they overfed me and overboozed me, too! I didn't want to be all drinkity, but ended up doing so and sharing a double bed with Lynn. and waking up at 7am... sigh.

Tomorrow I damn better get to sleep in at least a little bit. Tonight's contra, though, and I think I want to go! Saturday I'm going to the Cherry Blossom Festival starting I don't know when, Sunday I may be going sailing with Dad, and then we're back to a new week. Blaaaaaaaah.

The Boston Celtic Music Festival goes on in January. Note to self: must be there.
*puts it on Google calendar*

time to get myself ready. It's Friiiiiiiiiiday and I'll have the address project done by the end of the day. And also, my stuff from Amazon should be coming in very soon. Any day, now! Woot woooo!

to do, trad, music, dance, birthdays, boston

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