quite contrary

Jun 11, 2006 19:29

notes to self:

don't ever schedule a lazy day. it won't happen.

remember to put sunscreen on your lower back when wearing a shirt that mightn't cover it when you lean over to do yardwork.

don't trust a rockies jumbotron that says "fuentes saves." (he lost it for us in the top of the 9th.)

after the game, we came home and mom and i got yelled into doing yardwork. just finished now. we had to take a break when the lightning got about a mile away. I was afraid we'd win a three-way Darwin award. then they went inside, I stayed out to chill in the rain, and then the rain let up and we had to work again.

frankie, frankie, hoarse an' cranky, how does your front lawn grow?
with shortass grass and lawnmower gas
and gaping holes in the soil where dad's rented power rake took out all the dead thatched stuff. (and there was a lot.)

this may be the first weekend I've come out of more tired than I went into it.

off to the session, late as always. some trad and a drink'll do me good. i'll come home early and crash.

but i did last night get four pairs of adorable shoes that seem to fit. w00t.

rockies, notes to self, tired, bitchery, session

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