never coming home

May 19, 2006 09:22

america just simply is no longer a bastion of anything good.

1) the rains in new england flooded my cousin's basement, ruining the three years of stuff i had stored there. including SO many books, and a lot of other things.

2) clay informs me that as of april 29, BURGER PLUS WEST IS NO LONGER.
this place was foundational to my highschooldom. I had such love for the owners, the place, the food. so many, so many fond memories were made there! and this means we'll never ever see mr and mrs cutegreek again?

3) america has recently passed legislation or made statements (links to be found soon) about a) all women are now considered to be in a state of pre-pregnancy and should be considered to be potentially pregnant at any time between first menses and menopause. doctors can deny them medications that may be harmful to fetuses, and recommend they take diets high in folic acid, and basically consider women as nothing but dormant breeding machines.
b) if I skimmed this right on linguaphiles, English is now the National Language of America.
fuck. fuck me. I'm staying here and retreating to the Gaeltacht forever.

this is too much to bear.
along with the idea that last night was potentially the last time I'll see Diarmaid...

nice session. Peter wasn't there on account of an exam today. the craic was good anyhow. I found a voucher for a free Guinness on the table, always nice. how the hell I'm going to live with American Guinness I don't even bloody know.

and after the session, Mick (the younger) gave us a ride home. then I went to Laure's for hot chocolate and companionship. it was very nice. it's all bittersweet, now.

yesterday and today it's been very, very windy. I dislike the wind.

last night I dreamed I wasn't packed on time, and that I missed my bus stop coming from the airport. Peter was in the dream, as was chocomeow. we had to do somethingorother from lists, I don't remember. oh, AH, and that Diarmaid got with someone else! With LAURE, in fact! bad dreams, no? clay was in them, nagging me to get packed on time.
two nights ago I dreamt of tidal waves and cannibals and Zhang Yi in Shanghainese.

oh, although yesterday was fun in bits. diarmaid time 'round dinner, always fun. also, ash and I went to city centre for a day of touristing. we saw the national gallery of art, st. michan's church (at which I talked to an Italian, which was cute. we were completely awwwwwed), and the jameson distillery. I got to volunteer to be a taster for five sorts of whisk(e)ys, which was fun indeeed. Ash got some photos. the tourguide was adorable and charming.
then we walked out to be greeted by lots of rain. and we hit Penneys to buy Steph's headband, and then we came home and had tacos and DD. then Ash guilted me for going to the session and not spending time with Diarmaid, but he had to leave anyway and I would have felt like shit if I hadn't gone to the session. It was no problem at all that I was so late, it's not exactly formal. though Ash did say all day she was definitely coming, definitely, definitely, and then when I wasn't ready at 9 she wasn't ready till like 11. so I left at half ten, and haven't seen her since then. it's come down to end-of-the-semester time for sure; I know this because I'm starting to be irritated by everyone around me. or maybe that's just 'cause I'm like, depressed. but seriously, Ash and Lauren and Drama (don't even talk about Kara, I was never not annoyed by her) are all getting on my nerves.
Time to go home to people who love me unconditionally.

now, off to do work for my thesis.

I hope I don't cry.

weather, friends, home, emo, imts, craic, dreams, boys, dublin, session, bad day

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