don't laugh at the purple-robed brainwashing aliens

Apr 23, 2006 11:55

the dream of last night that I remember is twofold. no, threefold:

1) someone I was friends with was in a play. It was about a mother and either she had a child who died in the end of the play or the whole play was about her coping with the loss of the child. My friend the actress told me that she could see the ghost of the boy the play was about, and just that the play was becoming real. In the end of the play, alien people brainwashed everyone. (rather a tragic play.) And after the end of the show, there were people in purple robes all around, asking to talk to us. The first time I walked out of the theater, I got past them by looking away, but I had to go back in to see the end of the play and get my friend. the second time the purple people accosted us and they were the brainwashing aliens. They fed on our brainwaves. I was only mostly brainwashed, though, and I accidentally pushed a button that gave the all-clear/all-done signal to the purple people, so they left early. But we kept seeing the ghost of the kid.

2) we were in a bar, and leaving. I lost my coat? and was invited somewhere or other by supertall novice Jon. However, I went to my neighbor's house instead and she cooked me dinner (at like 1am). And her adopted daughter, Bailie, was suddenly Asian. I think I started crying (after brainwashing, who wouldn't?) and she told Bailie to go away.

3) I was driving with some people and we needed gas, and to get it we had to choose between a pair of options that were completely unfamiliar to me. The guy driving told me that the term determined the size of the opening for the gas nozzle, as well as being a gage for the laser guns we all carried. Then we got to New York City (except there were definitely some landmarks from downtown Denver in there) and were walking all over. There was a museum dedicated to a movie that Patrick Stewart had just been in, including a prop that was a model of his skeleton after his character had died. Also a sketch of a little boy with blue eyes that was so realistic and had been the basis of a CGI character, I think. It wasn't the same kid as the ghost from the play, though. This one had brown hair and the other one was named Ryan and had blond hair and sort-of looked like Aaron who I've babysat from time to time. Anyway, in NYC I was with either my cousin or another friend, and Usher walked by. We laughed because he totally checked us out, and because it was nighttime on the streets of New York and we knew we'd be safe.

Last night Diarmaid and I were going to stay on campus but ended up going to Doyle's till late. Of us-Drama-Ash-Kara-Lauren, we were the only two not to get carded. Ha! There's a match on today and the Nitelink back was full of chant-screaming drunks.

And today, I'll do lots of work. daisies are out all over the lawn; it's gorgeous. I'll probably do work out on the grass today.

boys, dreams, spring, craic, hw

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