Dec 26, 2005 12:29
the shuttle people found my cell phone and i should be getting it some time today. however, still no word from the united people.
but i'm getting sick! sore throat and stuffy nose. want to work out while i'm still well enough. maybe it'll push away the rest of the sick. it appears that two weeks is the magic number, after which of no exercise the sick hits. i do, however, have the humidifier going in my room and that definitely helped the throat overnight.
tonight we have unchristmas dinner, a family tradition. i want some eggnog with it, because it is yummy. and now i must go clean my room of the stuff that did make it through the flight, only to start packing again in a few days.
also, yesterday was the warmest christmas on record, with a high of sixty-nine degrees. oh, denver. oh, global warming.
by the way, everybody needs to get their hands on a copy of Gravity. the brandeis vs. hogwarts list is PRICELESS. the brandeis movies were really good, too, and OMG -- the alwina emails!
ETA! 1:19pm. united called and is bringing back my bags "some time this afternoon." sweet.