my brother's a jumbo.

Dec 15, 2005 13:29

to reiterate:
my brother is going to tufts!! I have all sorts of plans. we'll have dinner together at least once a month. maybe I'll ask mom and dad for the car out here. But really, I'd be petrified of driving with Massholes. I am nowhere near aggressive enough to get anywhere on these roads. Also, the highways? Harder to navigate than my own brain. I guess I'd learn after too long, huh?
But for all I know, the parents won't let me, or I won't want to (I've got all spring and summer to think about it).
Zach's going to Tufts!

the new:
I have a last goal for this semester.
By the day I leave Brandeis, I am going to weigh (less than or equal to) one hundred and thirty pounds.

I weighed myself this morning and it read 132. Wow. Though I won't be rowing in the spring, I can still keep to being lightweight to make it easier to come back in the fall. I hope we're racing light fours by the fall. We have plans to see if it's feasible by this spring! Light women's fours is a less competitive event which would mean our boats could have a better chance, especially since I already pull the third- or fourth-best times on our women's team, light or heavy. And next year... with Becca and Rebecca gone, I guess I'll be up to second-best, unless Maria surpasses me (which I think she should. She's taller than I am and has been rowing since HS, but so far only pulls times next to our first-year-varsity girls).

Also I dreamed about our friend Trude, who died earlier in the semester. In the dream, she was in a hospice, and physically in stable, if bad, shape but mentally perfect -- better than she'd been in life for years, probably. The hospice had elevators and was right above a T stop.

This morning I successfully made an omelet (with "success" defined as the thing staying intact) for the first time all semester. I think it takes lower heat, less milk, and a lot of pan lubrication.

dreams, school, weight, to do, z, crew

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