Oct 31, 2005 20:31

While we were out, Facilities Claus came to town!

We have:
A mirror!
A lightbulb!
A drawer!
A towel rack!

Next on the agenda: A stove burner.

Sent in the Arcadia application today, at last. And got the Investigations thing done. And did Halloween for the Hungry with the usual gang (Alli, Nomi, Katie, David, Dan) and collected 97 items and enough candy to last me quite a while, provided I'm not gluttonous.

And now, to make my first full meal of the day. Tomorrow: Groceries AND cheapo Halloween candy! Maybe even a pumpkin-on-sale. I could totally roast the seeds.

PLUS, Ellen emailed us and we are once again not-rowing-on-Saturday, and initiation WILL be this Friday. This leaves the next two Fridays free for planning. I gots big plans.

done, random, facilities claus, halloween

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