Sep 04, 2006 22:15
Just wanted everyone to know that they owe today to good ole Cedarville, Ohio! Yep, the "Father of Labor Day" was a Cedarvillian and we had a pretty sweet fireworks display tonight! I am so proud of my adopted town :)
Spent the weekend in Indy with nine girls from my unit and co unit. About half of them were sick and the other half spent the weekend doped up on vitamins so as not to get sick. We went shopping, saw fireworks, did a suicidal morning polar swim in Katie's pool, attempted some homework, played party games, ate lots of food, watched movies, group napped, played the most hilarious football game ever, and lots, lots, more. In the absence of my family, these girls have kind of become family. A weird thought, I know, but strangely comforting. One more strange, disconnected thought: Count of Monte Christo is a good movie, and Jim Caviezel is a good looking man!
Pray for Casey...