Memorable Moments From this Weekend

Jun 05, 2006 22:02

1. Everybody already knows...Erin's getting married.
2. 3 days straight at the Roanoke pool as the only one in my age group.
3. Flying down the stairs at the house I was babysitting at, clad in a towel, only to discover there weren't ALL girls (at least technically) downstairs.
4. Andrea Harris opened a NEW pack of gator pops at the concession stand, just so I could have a blue one (Just so you know, that is WAY against pool policy!)
5. Evan (the six year old boy I was babysitting for) found #4 fishy
6. Backing up (me, not the of little faith) and tripping over a load of bricks in front of Sabrina and Evan
7. Driving a big SUV!
8. Eating strawberries fresh from the patch mmmm!
9. Eating cookie dough chunks out of the ice cream box (some things never change)
10. Jason K. begging out of movie night with Zach M., Kaleb, Casey, and me because "I'm going to bed"...and later we catch him driving around Roanoke with Amanda.
11. Angie Schuck brought a baby kitten into the new video store.
12. My mom wanted to kill my dad for giving the baby raccoons to our neighbors.
13. My dad wanted to kill my mom for eavesdropping on his phone conversation and then disconnecting the phone while he was taking a survey over the phone in which the solicitor lady promised to send him $25 bucks IF he was eligible.
14. I shocked both Kaleb and Micah with a fart that left them speechless and amazed.
15. One word: "Rumors" ...muhahaha
16. Kaleb was worried about Evan and Sabrina because I told him I was going to cook dinner for them
17. I had a longer conversation with my parents over the phone while I was babysitting than I've had with them all week
18. Debbie Reifsteck and Brenda (at the IGA) explained to me the difference between menthol lights and regular new understanding? Menthol cigs are kinda like smoking mint gum
19. Cubbies handing the Cards their own tailfeathers on a platter
20. Casey writing love notes and drawing pictures of the love of his life while everyone else in church was reverantly taking communion
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