Title: Moments on clock
Fandom: Johnny’s and Associates (TOKIO)
Pairing: Nagase/Yamaguchi/Joshima
Rating: R
Word count: ~1400
Warnings: Threesome, fairly PWP, screwy timeline, angst
Summary: Gussan knows, even if Joshima doesn’t believe him. And Nagase’s just there to translate.
Notes: Written for
basil_ovelby as a bribe tactic. XD
there's nothing between them but the gulf of everything )
And I really tried not to be happy about the part where Gussan grabbed Nagase's hair and pulled him into the kiss, since this was theoretically more Gussan/Leader and Nagase/Leader than a true threesome, but, mmm, the kneejerk Gussan/Nagase shipper in me liked it a lot. *snork*
lmao if there had been more opportunities for Gussan/Nagase I would have taken them, unf unf. Sadly, not this time. ):
Thanks so much for commenting. :D :D
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