
Aug 07, 2008 13:59

Things were going well there for a while. Until I got F'ed in the A by my previous employer.

They appealed to unemployment and tried to deny my benifits by stating that I was terminated due to "misconduct."
HUH?? What did I do?

They made a big deal out of a prescription error I had a week before they decided to let me go. They claimed that the medication was "dispensed" to the patient...which means that the patient would have recieved the wrong meds. This didn't happen.
They even PROVED that It didn't happen! In an effort to convince the tribunal that I was endangering patients they brought a copy of the patients record...and that record is proof that the mistake was corrected before the patient was given meds. (well, the client gets the meds and then THEY give it to their pet.)

My point being- this NEVER happened! I never endangered any patients!

So the dicission came back to me that the tribunal discontinued my unemployment benifits....

So now I have no job and no income AT ALL.

I have an appartment and medical bills and a car to make payments on...and NO income. None.

And I cant find a job to save my life. I look and look and look, and I DO find some things but they never call me back even after I call them. They are prolly looking at my resume going, "You did all this?...huh. So why do you want to work for a shoe store?"
I DONT!!!! But I don't have a choice now.

I am OVER qualified for the simple shit. You would think they would jump through hoops to hire me! But no...

So I am fucked again.

I am doing all that I can. I allways do. It's very exhausting mentaly. Another reason that I am going back to see a shrink. I just cant handle it anymore.
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