Had my dating scan today, saw the "baby"… Looks like a blob/bean (the head is on the left, it is curled up), but it was moving and I heard and saw the heartbeat (177bpm!). Old wives tale is that if there's a fast heartbeat, it's a girl. It is still so little… I didn't tell Serge about the appointment until after… The ultrasound man asked where my partner was, I said he couldn't make it. Sounds dorky but it was really special seeing the little thing moving around, the heart beat. The guy asked if it felt real yet and I said, It does now, and it was true...
Feeling fine, still super queasy and throw up most days, and very tired but I go to bed around 7.30-8pm which helps! And it is worth every bit. Getting slammed at work and with uni, but it's okay, manageable.
Trying to stay healthy and positive, and planning for the future. Such a trip!