Sep 29, 2003 00:08
I miss my mommy...
but then again, she's gona come back w/some goodies fr Spain and Portugal!
I miss my dad being w/my mom...
but then again, she'll be home this Wednesday.
Let the bickering begin!
He's been sick for the past few days.
He says it's b/c ppl at work were sick- that's how he got it but everyone else is saying it's b/c he misses my mom.
I miss Bubby...
but then again, we're gona go shop for stuff for his new place on Tuesday.
Tuesday can't come any sooner, can it?
I miss the Philippines...
family/friends, the laidback lifestyle, dirty air, smorgasbords galore, shopping, the beauty of nature there, etc.
You name it, I miss it about P.I. minus the mosquitoes who smell and suck the American blood out of me.
But then again, if I'm smart w/my money (someday soon, I hope), I'll be there next October to celebrate my dad's bday, my Irishman in tow.
Man, I can't wait for any of these 'but then agains' to happen.
I think I'm finally sleepy. G'night...