Yes, it's Friday night and I decided to LJ. I know and I'm in, like I have been for the past Friday nights.
You write in cursive, I write in graffiti...
Wow this past wk at work was ridonculous! I didn't know what to do w/myself yesterday. Too many irritable ingredients to my day: the Highlander's alarm right outside my office would go off every time something loud went by; the elevators right outside my office - new pistons, the drilling and such made me batty; phone ringin' off the hook; ppl talking obnoxiously loud in my office while i'm on the phone; lotsa work. I honestly thought I was gona go mad! One of yesterday's issues trickled into today, thought some of it was my fault. Good thing "I didn't drop the ball" on that one. *phew*
Good thing about yesterday though, I got to see Bubba! I felt bad b/c at one point, I thought I could handle chattin' on AIM w/4 ppl, phone calls, and doing miscellaneous paperwork that was scattered all over my desk so I signed off AIM altogether. I couldn't handle it. I'm not your superwoman, I'm not the kind of girl that you can lay down... haha oh sorry. Freal though, Karen White, my multi-tasking skills have been tainted somehow, somewhere. Anyway, I got to see him and we watched tv while we ate some veggies and meatloaf his roommate cooked. Good stuff but a lil on the spicy side for me and my stomach isn't used to that kinda stuff so it wasn't playing the crying game. Thatzuh spicy meatuhballuh! We went to Wal*Mart and bought a few things. Wal*Mart's just one of those stores you know you don't need to buy things at all the time but there's always a few things you could use, however not necessary. I got two new sticks of Carmex b/c I was running on E (probably another irritable factor - lips were dry).
In other news, at this point of my entry, I would like to take the time out to write a letter:
Dear God,
This weather is not to my liking.
Can you please fix it and make it Spring already please?
It'd be grately appreciated by me and my fellow East Coasters.
Thank you kindly,
Kristin C. V.: Ticket to Heaven#: 26512394878 or something infinity -> *crosses fingers*
I'm hittin' the hay in a bit and just anticipating the rest of this w/e to see the peeps again. Last w/e was grrrrrreat.
I'm especially looking forward to spending time w/the wifey again. Oh to breathe the same breath of air w/you...