Sep 07, 2010 17:01
Fatal seductions.
Tomorrow is the group presentation and I am not the least bit prepared for it. I really didn't even do anything for this project at all and I am so thankful that there are actually people who actually want to help me and invited me to their groups and they happen to be the top scorers in class and all that.. Omg. Today's school was a waste of my time D: I wish I could stick around Kallang the whole day and train and train but I know when I finally get to do that, I will be complaining too hahaha the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
I have been spending money like water nowadays. I keep watching movies D: and my daughter's birthday is coming soon. Like in about 18days and I have no idea what to get. This Saturday is the wedding OMG and I haven't gotten a dress D: Which is damn bad because there is no time anymore. I think I am gonna get slaughtered if I don't appear in a dress. Gotta show some support man. Hahahahaha.
Received this comment that I look so skinny and cannot possible be 60kg. Seriously-.- Hahahaha I would love to think that way and maybe have more people think that way too but it's kinda impossible. Been eating like some monster lately. Goshhhhhhhh I spend so much money on food. I think if I were to eat less, I'd have a little more money hahahaha but my ultimate goal is to hit 65kg I guess then I can join the club already hehehehe^^
New quote: Fat is a feeling.
Major insecurity issue. Hahahaha even if I were to be stick thin, I'd still feel fat. It's humility? A warped mindset. I don't know.