You ain’t in the game, you’re just cheerleaders~

Sep 28, 2013 10:35

How is it Team B, or even YG's fault that Team A is a mess? Every time I see YG's smug troll face, I want to smack it, but it's not his fault Team A is so splintered.

Yes they have more character individually, at first glance, but that's what's making them not too good at teamwork either. Too many bullheaded opinions and Minho is currently not strong enough to wrangle everyone together. He's third oldest, for crying out loud! Of course the hyungs aren't going to listen to him. Even Kang Seungyoon, who is a year younger, doesn't even look to him for leadership because Minho doesn't even have seniority.

Although he's not as bossy as Hanbin, he's not bossy enough, and when he tries to be, the hyungs shoot him down or the dongsaengs pitch a hissyfit. See: the constant Wahmbulance that was Episode 2. He doesn't have the support system that Hanbin has in Bobby and Jinhwan, or a strong enough personality like GD's or CL's to keep a firm grip on the members.

At least, not yet. He is new, after all.

If it wasn't for YG's interference in assigning A Team their own leader, they'd still be floundering right now. They had years to decide on a leader, just like B Team did, but they did nothing! So yeah, even though I dislike YG's trollish face, he did them a favor. The mess that is A Team is nobody's fault but their own.

cl 이채린, kang seung yoon 강승윤, song min ho 송민호, gdragon 권지용, who is next, kim jin hwan 김진환, b.i. / kim han bin 김한빈, bobby / kim ji won 김지원, yang hyunsuk 양현석

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