ugh ugh UGH.

Aug 24, 2013 16:13

WHYYYYY did I watch Who Is Next WHYYYYYYYY щ(ಥДಥщ) I'm such a glutton for punishment. I thought I was Team A all the way for sure because of Kang Seung Yoon and Lee Seunghoon, but Team B is seriously talented and cute like whoa.

BUT Team A is older and putting KSY and LSH through another survival program is such a dick move. KSY is safe because he debuts either way but the guilt and unavoidable envy, no matter how much they tried to hide it and even though they seriously looked and were happy for him, was painful to watch. I doubt he'd let go of B.I. if Team B loses. And AGH! I honestly can't decide who I like better. I want them all to win, damn it!

I've never been fond of President YG but I've never come close to hating him until this whole WIN bullshit. For the first time, I fervently hope he's trolling big time and at the end he'll combine the two groups to create a super group. THIS COULD BE YOUR EXO (hopefully minus the saesangs), YG!

...speaking of saesangs, I think the program itself is an overt way to cultivate some, but YG's had a good track record of discouraging and nipping crazies in the bud so far. A lot of people hate the 'image' YG cultivates, but I think it keeps the crazies at bay, or at least helps the saner fans police themselves because that cold image make would-be saesangs think twice.

And if not... if he really does let them go like a moron, then I'm sure another agency is going to snap them up. Cube is probably camping on their doorsteps already lol, but I want them to stay with YG. Yeah Yang Hyunsuk is a dick and he trolls a lot, but the company isn't shady and doesn't give off ilbe/scamming/giving free rein to saesangs/underpaid and overworked/horrible living and working conditions/need-a-sponsor vibes like so many other agencies do.

nam tae hyun 남태현, song yun hyeong 송윤형, kang seung yoon 강승윤, song min ho 송민호, who is next, goo jun hwi 구준회, kim jin hwan 김진환, b.i. / kim han bin 김한빈, kim dong hyuk 김동혁, yang hyunsuk 양현석, bobby / kim ji won 김지원, lee seunghoon 이승훈, kim jin woo 김진우

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