His Perfect Partner (38/42ish?)

Aug 28, 2012 14:55

Title:  His Perfect Partner (38/42ish?)
Rating:  NC-17 overall (PG-13 this chapter)
Pairings:  Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through Season Three is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 2171
Summary:  After five disappointing seasons on the show, professional dancer Kurt Hummel finally has his chance at ballroom glory.  With actress and fan favorite Kim Schrodinger as his partner, Kurt vows to channel all his focus into winning that mirrorball trophy - distractions, including men, be damned.  Enter Blaine Anderson, a gorgeous, confusing pop star who may turn out to be the biggest distraction of them all.

In This Chapter: At Friday night dinner, the two most important men in Kurt's life meet for the first time.

Author's Note:  This is a Dancing with the Stars/Glee crossover AU, in which Kurt grew up dancing and became a professional on the show in his mid-twenties, and Blaine is a pop star with a very private private life.  I have a master glee post  here, or follow my bff's tumblr for updates and fun multi-media extras that will go along with some chapters.  (I'm also in the process of aquiring a tumblr myself, so we'll see how that goes!  Once I'm done with the main story, I'll welcome prompts and the like.)  Thanks to 
wintercreek, and 
gypsyangel25 for the beta as well as for general cheer-leading and fun times.

“What on earth are you wearing?” Kurt held up his hands to fend off Carole’s hug in favor of reading her shirt. She laughed and struck a pose right there in Kurt’s kitchen, hand propped on her hip.

“Do you like it? I found them on this cute little online shop run by two teenage girls. They even made your dad a matching hat when I asked!” Carole indicated Burt, whose hat was emblazoned with the same logo, done in red and pink. Red and pink.

“Please tell me that doesn’t say ‘Team Hum-dinger,’” Kurt said, finally pulling Carole in for a hug. “Please.”

“No can do, sweetie! Isn’t it clever? ‘Hum’ for Hummel and…”

“‘Dinger’ for Schrodinger. Yes, I get it,” Kurt said, cutting her off. “But comprehending it doesn’t excuse it.”

“I’ve always thought couple names were sort of cute,” Carole said, still all smiles.

“Oh, god, next thing you know, people will be calling me and Blaine something revolting like ‘Klaine,’” Kurt said, shuddering at the thought.

“Or ‘Blurt,’” Finn chimed in, completely unhelpfully. “But hey, if they give you a couple name, that means they like you, right?”

“Not the point, Finn!” Kurt said, finally giving up on logic and going to hug his dad.

“Sorry, kid. I tried to stop her, but you know how she gets.” Burt chuckled. “And you have to admit, it’s pretty clever.”

“I suppose,” Kurt offered. “And unfortunately, I know Kim and Blaine will both love it.”

“I brought shirts for them too!” Carole said. Of course she had. There was really nothing left to say. Kurt turned to open the fridge and search out salad fixings instead.

Thankfully, discussion turned toward dinner plans, which had grown a bit complicated when Kurt had realized that the easiest thing to do would be to host it at his place. He’d promised to let Carole and his dad handle the main meal, Annie and Blaine were bringing the wine, and Cedes would be making dessert. All Kurt had to do was salad and appetizers, which left Rachel and Finn on clean-up duty. It was a good compromise, so that no one involved in the finale had to do too much, but they also didn’t have to deal with press hassling them outside a restaurant. Kurt expected that once Blaine came out officially, they’d be dealing with more press than they could stand. He was happy to have one more night of quiet with the people he loved before that particular brand of chaos descended.

Cedes and Rachel arrived a few minutes later in a flurry of hugs and platters and a monologue from Rachel about the songs she was rehearsing for the results show on Tuesday. All of the couples would be returning to perform in some capacity, and Rachel had been kept busy all week working on arrangements that suited their routines. Kurt managed to break into her recitation long enough to remind her not to say anything about songs and performances for Monday. He still didn’t know what the other two couples were performing, and he didn’t want to. Rachel looked affronted that he’d think she’d reveal a confidence about music, but acquiesced. Kurt and Finn shared an amused glance; no doubt they were both remembering how last season she’d spilled all the details of the finale four days before the show.

Blaine and Annie were the last to arrive, slipping in as Kurt brought appetizers out into the living room. Rachel and Cedes got to them first, dispensing hugs and taking the bottles of wine off their hands. Kurt got to them next and gave Annie a hug. Then he turned to Blaine, who looped his arms loosely around Kurt’s waist and leaned in for a kiss, just like it was any other day.

“Hi,” Kurt said, stepping back and taking Blaine’s hand. “You ready for this?”

“Absolutely,” Blaine said. He beamed at Kurt, who felt himself relax. This was going to go well. Blaine was wonderful, and his dad would love him.

As expected, Carole hugged both Blaine and Annie, exclaiming over seeing them again, and then Blaine extracted himself to shake Burt’s hand. Blaine was being his usual loveable self, with only a slight overemphasis on perfect manners that Kurt knew meant he was a little nervous. It was endearing how seriously he took meeting Kurt’s family.

Burt and Blaine sat down next to one another on the couch, drinks in hand, while Kurt and Finn helped Carole get dinner on the table. They looked to be deep in discussion each time Kurt passed by, but they were both smiling so Kurt didn’t feel the need to interfere. Mostly, he was happy to step back and let the two most important men in his life get to know one another.

When Kurt called everyone to the table, his dad ended up sitting next to Cedes at the far end. As it had for years, this meant that her dating life was the one under scrutiny through the first half of the meal, which suited Kurt just fine. He tuned out Rachel and Blaine, who were talking across him about musical theory, and laughed along with Annie as his dad and Carole mined the details of Cedes’ love life.

“So this boy is into you and sequins?” Burt was asking, while Cedes hid her face behind her hands.

“I like a man who’s not afraid to defy stereotypes,” Carole said approvingly. “When do we get to meet him?”

“You do realize you’re not actually Cedes’ parents, right?” Kurt called down the table.

“Since when has that stopped us?” Burt casually speared a piece of chicken on his fork and looked at Kurt with a wry grin.

“Come by the studio tomorrow, you two,” Cedes said, obviously giving in. “We’ll be prepping for Monday, but I can take you by when Sam’s not busy.”

“That’s my girl,” Burt said, grinning at her. Cedes rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

“We’ll be there,” Carole said. Then she reached for the salad bowl so she could put more vegetables on Finn’s plate.

Burt turned his fatherly curiosity towards Annie next, asking all about her background and work and interests. Kurt figured that his dad would be back around to Blaine by dessert, so he took the brief reprieve as a chance to check in with Blaine about his day.

“How’d rehearsal go?” Kurt asked, once he’d gotten Blaine’s attention back from Rachel. She promptly turned toward Finn and Carole to extol the virtues of a vegan lifestyle.

“Good, I think. Though I’m assuming the producers realize that having the judges come ‘help’ isn’t actually helpful at all,” Blaine said.

“Ratings,” Kurt agreed. “I’m still surprised they don’t do more insane things just to pull in the prized younger demographic. I’m convinced one day they’re going to dispense with costumes altogether, just for the titillation factor.”

“Speaking of the titillation factor - and I can’t believe both of us just used that word seriously - Bruno was as insane as you expected,” Blaine said. “I had to get pretty creative to keep him from going all Dirty Dancing on me.”

“I knew I should have gotten Bitsy that taser,” Kurt muttered. He was slightly mollified when Blaine took his hand under the table.

“He’s a little overly enthusiastic, but he’s harmless, really. And Bitsy helped protect my virtue. You can thank her later.” Blaine grinned at him.

“I think I will,” Kurt said. “I know it doesn’t bother you that much, but…”

“You know what?” Blaine was suddenly bashful, looking down at the table and then up at Kurt through his lashes.

“What?” Kurt snuck Blaine’s hand up to his lips for a quick kiss.

“He doesn’t bother me, but I love that you care. That you even get a little jealous,” Blaine said softly. “It makes me feel loved.”

“You are loved,” Kurt replied. He knew his smile was turning stupid around the edges, but he didn’t care. Just like he didn’t care that half the table was probably watching them right now.

Blaine didn’t reply, but his gaze went soft and sweet. Blaine’s love was almost tangible, forming a web of comfort and safety all around him. Kurt sighed and smiled, squeezing Blaine’s hand. And when he looked up, he caught his dad watching them with a soft smile on his face. Burt winked before turning back to Carole, and Kurt knew he had his full approval.

The rest of dinner and dessert was exactly what Kurt had hoped it would be. Afterward, while Rachel and Finn made short work of the dishes, the remaining group settled in the living room for wine and conversation. Kurt sat in one of his armchairs, Blaine settled at his feet with his cheek resting on Kurt’s knee. They fell into conversation with Kurt’s parents, planning a post-show trip so that Blaine could ‘come see Kurt’s childhood haunts,’ as Carole put it. Blaine also talked a bit about his search for a house in the area, soliciting Burt’s opinions about inspections and contractors.

“I don’t know quite as much about houses as I do about cars, but I know enough to avoid getting swindled. If you need an opinion further along in the process, you give me a call,” Burt said, waiting for Blaine’s nod of agreement. “Just don’t let Kurt try to talk you into anything crazy, like a basement runway.”

“I was 12, Dad - it’s time to let it go!” Kurt shook his head as Burt chuckled. “Besides, opportunities for high fashion in Lima were few and far between; can you blame me for trying?”

“In the end, he negotiated a pretty generous clothing allowance,” Burt told Blaine, who grinned.

“I was precocious when it came to having actual style,” Kurt said.

“You still are. I like it,” Blaine said, tilting his head back so he could smile up at Kurt. From her spot on the couch, Carole cooed at them both. Kurt shot her a look, but she just waved him off.

“I’m happy that you’re happy. Stop pretending that annoys you,” she said, getting up to kiss both Kurt and Blaine on the cheek. And then, proving that she was a gem among stepmothers, she began subtly maneuvering everyone toward the door so they could all get some sleep.

At the door, after she’d sent Finn and Rachel off and had helped arrange for Cedes to drop Annie home, Carole turned back to Kurt and Blaine for one last hug each. Burt did the same, pleasing Kurt and startling Blaine just a little.

“We’ll drop some easy meals by tomorrow when you’re out at rehearsals, and then we’ll see you Monday. I don’t want any arguments,” Burt said when Kurt started to protest. “It’s the least we can do to help you boys get through the next few days.”

“I have your extra key,” Carole said, holding it up. “So you don’t have to worry about a thing. Just relax and rehearse.”

“Ok, thank you,” Kurt said, because he couldn’t think of anything else. His parents always amazed him with their love and generosity. Blaine echoed him, and then they stood in the doorway and watched as Burt and Carole headed to their car.

“Your parents are incredible,” Blaine finally said, shutting the door behind them. “They’re just so…normal.”

“I know. It used to drive me a little crazy, how involved they were, but once I really started seeing how insane show parents could be, I was glad mine were at least doing stuff for the right reasons,” Kurt said. “I’ve known for a long time now that I’m lucky to have them.”

“Yeah,” Blaine said, trailing off.

He got the same sad look on his face that he had the night a few weeks back when they’d gone out for a quiet dinner and Kurt had coaxed him into talking about his family. With the exception of Cooper, who was at least trying, Blaine’s family was nothing like Kurt’s. His parents weren’t particularly supportive or parental, and Blaine had decided to disconnect from them rather than trying to force them to be what he needed. His relationship with Cooper was better than it had been, thanks mostly to Cooper’s wife and kids. But fun trips to see his niece and nephew didn’t quite make up for the years of teasing and one-upping that Blaine had endured from his brother.

Kurt hoped that the love his parents were clearly ready to give Blaine would help take some of the sting out of that old hurt. In the meantime, Kurt pulled Blaine in for a hug and a long, sweet kiss infused with all the love Kurt could give it.

“Want to cuddle in bed for a while?” Kurt offered when they pulled back. When Blaine nodded, Kurt led the way down the hall. He’d hold Blaine every night if it would help. Even if it didn’t, he’d keep trying just the same.

fiction, his perfect partner, kurt/blaine, glee

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