Title: His Perfect Partner (28/?)
Rating: NC-17 overall (PG-13 this chapter)
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, with appearances by Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Mercedes/Sam, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: None, but assume that anything through Season Three is fair game for inspiration.
Word Count: 2264
Summary: After five disappointing seasons on the show
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1. The OCs. Kim is particularly amazing. She's a perfect partner for Kurt, she's a great friend, and she feels like a fully realized character. I never doubt that she has a whole life outside of Kurt and the show.
2. The way the show is incorporated. Sometimes fics about reality TV get so bogged down in the minutia of the competition that I lose interest in the characters. Or, alternately, the show matters so little that I wonder why the author bothers with that setting. You've done SUCH a good job of making the show matter without eclipsing the characters or relationships.
3. Kurt and Blaine. Your Kurt and Blaine are so, so lovely and functional and have so much chemistry. I just want to stare at them and sigh happily, because they're gorgeous together.
4. The world-building. For a long time I didn't even notice how important world-building is in near-canon AUs, but it's crucial. How is the AU different from canon? What impact did those differences have on our characters? I love how clearly defined the history and relationships are in this, without ever feeling like a big info-dump.
This is such a great fic. It makes me so happy every time I see a new update. Thank you for consistently brightening my day!
Kim is becoming very real to me.
Awesome review.
And awesome fic, Fountnofthought!
PS. Sometimes I'm afraid that Kim is going to insist on a spinoff. I have some ideas to keep her in check, though!
Thanks again for brightening my day as well - I'll keep doing my best to do the same for you!
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