Some of my exjerk's babymama's myspace blog entries... all spelling/grammar mistakes intact. Any underlining is me.
This is just '08, starting with his first mention:
Thursday, January 03, 2008
New Year....New Guy
Current mood: adored
Category: Life
The ending of this year has been so twisted for me. My guy decided to call it quits a bit after Thanksgiving....yea always the holidays. Dont you just get all warm n fuzzy when they say I dont wanna be with you anymore? Oh well, no use cryin over spilled milk or in his case, guinnes.
The odd thing was what happened a little after the break. Now I could swear I said I was done with guys for a while. Wasn't lookin for a boyfriend in anyway shape or form. N yet it seems thats what I keep gettin for Christmas.
The bad thing is that at first it felt like a bad thing. I was hesitant. I knew I liked the guy n shit who wouldnt? Dude is smart, cultured, patient, funny, he lets me be who I am. Guys got his charm. but the draw back was that he n my Ex (X2 now) were friends at one point. So its been a lil weird. I know I didnt trade one for the other but damn. Just so odd. Felt like I was cheating on my ex for a while.
Now the New Year is here n I grow fonder of my new guy. My strange guilt has died down to nothing. After all, he split with me before anything happened. I like spending my time with someone, whos not proud of everything hes done, but is all in all happy with himself being who he is. So I can say I have hope for this one.
But I also hope that my ex hun (he knows who he is) can eventualy be happy and get what he needs and wants. I still miss him n I cant help but feel sad from time to time when I think of him.
Still life moves on. Im done with being sad and submissive. I think I'll try being happy and enjoy my freedoms this year....
Cultured? Patient? Bwahahahahah.....
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ho SHIT!!!!!
Current mood: depressed
Well about two nights ago I took a lil piss test and found out I was pregnant....again. Am I happy about it? I can say I am comfortably numb about it. My guy and I have been using condums to prevent such things. Guess I'm one of the 2% that get pregnant anyway. Oh well. I have one brat I cant afford. Cant say I'm ready for a 2nd.
Still I've decided that I want this child.
I cant help but feel depressed because I'm going to abort it anyway. After all this isnt about what I want, at least not entirely anyway. What it is about is the question of weather or not the child will be cared for.
I dont have everything just the way I want it yet in order to be ready for a next. What I do have is what I need to take care of my first. So as bad as I want the baby, it will just have to be put on hold untill I'm really ready for it.
Uh, 2% failure rate is for perfect use. Your failure rate was more like 10-18%.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
I feel like crap
Current mood: miserable
Category: Life
I feel so so very sick. This baby went and made me overly sensitive. The slightest pressure on my stomach makes me wanna hurl. I cant even have my guy put his arm around me.
But heres the really bad part. Even the house makes me sick. I cant get this place clean enough. The smells of the place make me sick. So much so that I dont wanna sleep next to my guy. Its not cause he's dirty (well not entirely) its the calone and the deorderant he wears. Its way too strong for me now.
Even changing the brat is a test of my will. Everything is just so nasty for me. I hate it!!!!!
I'm guessing the idiot still wears Polo. The smell of that shit gave me panic attacks for a few years after I left that fucker.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The Basic Plan
Current mood: inspired
Category: Life
Things have gone well. The rent has been paid. Its late but still the money is there.
Now about 2 days ago I had an interview at a small vet clinic. I'm really hoppin I get this job. At least that way I can realy help pay some bills. Cause at the moment the boyfriend seems to be a bit burried with debt.
he needs
A) $600 for a speedin ticket
B) $X for his insurence
C) $Y for his licence
D) $Z for his car payment
E) $ W for gass assuming he can do the above first
Of corse this is called the "Tip of the Iceberg"
I think we can handel this fairly well. Were both stubern enough to go without untill everythings paid off.
If I can get this job, it'd be a great help. At least I'd be able to take some of the burden such as 1/2 of the ticket and the rent in addition to the utilities and food.
Six hundred fucking dollars for a speeding ticket?!
No way in hell I'd turn over any of MY money to pay for something like that!
Friday, October 03, 2008
The Ties that Bind
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life
8-8-08 (his words)
Well guess what. This nigga just got engaged. Yup thats right..... i popped the question. Nah but heres the best part, she gonna be movin' to Iowa! Dont ask me where the fuck that is cause i don't ever remember seeing it on Mr. M's "The world according to Reagan" map.
Ok so you might be asking why?
Well short answer is I want to be with her. I want to be with her for as long as she'll have me. I'm in love with her and I want to be with her. Yes...I know I already said that its just...
I dont know how to explain its just this is the woman for me.
Now I know he asked 1st. Still I wanted to give him a kind of token of affection. I bought him a titanium ring. Its a promiss that I wont forget him when or if I leave.
I can understand his fear because I have a strange tendency to quickly replace the men that leave me. Example: I pretty much replaced Anthony a week after he called it quits the night before Thanksgiving. This wasn't official until Christmas.
The metal I chose for his ring, I wanted to show the strength of our bond. Much stronger than that of the gold rings I gave to my ex's.
I wouldn't spend that kind of money on him unless he's outgrown his tendency to lose things.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I’m Mysteriously Lonely
Current mood: disappointed
Category: Life
You know a strange thing happened yesterday, I felt lonely. And it was strange cause the feeling hit me when he came home. I know that I've seen him for about the same amount of time everyday for the past year. The feeling has grown a bit stronger overnight.....but I dont know why
I mean we've got our lil routine:
1. He comes home and heads up stairs to change ect
2. I give him what ever it is that I made for dinner
3. I ask how his day at work was
4. We watch TV together
5. He jumps on the net for whatever reasons
6. we go to bed
Am I bord with doin the same thing with him? Maybe. But what else would I do? I mean the guy is on his feet between 9 - 10 hours a day. I cant ask him to do much else cause I know he's tired.
Do I think he spends enough time with me? Yes I do. I'm just not sure about the quality of the time. Still recently I've tried to keep him awake a bit longer with sex. Trust, Im not a sex person. Its not really the attention I want.
I just dont know. Something has gotta be missing or maybe i just need a sudden moment of an epiphany. Still Im sure that if I ask myself enough Introverted questions I'll eventually figure it out....
Suddenly, being a caretaker doesn't seem so bad. ;)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Current mood: tired
Category: Life
The kids as usual ganged up on Fonzie and were playing with him for the most part. At one point he was under a small dog pile of screaming and laughing half-pints. They always like when he visits. Its like he himself is just another kid to play with and understands his cries when I yell at him to tie his boots.
She thinks his immaturity is cute? ROFLMAO
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lets Hope for the best and Not Jinx Anything!!!
Current mood: excited
Category: Life
Oh yay me!! A whole year has come and gone and I'm still with the same person I was with last year.
The cycle of the "X-Mas Boyfriend" Has been officially broken!! A new hope has arisen for this coming new year. By February he and I will have our own apartment together! Maybe a place that will allow me to have a small pet (XD) and be closer to my Babe and Friend people.
2. Fonzie gave me a "promise ring." Now I know I told just about everyone that he asked me to marry him. However that wont be possible till I can divorce Edgar. Still the ring is a lil sign of how our relationship has grown. Naturally I will still ask him to wait untill we've been together for at least 4 years before "THE BIG DAY." I want the both of us to really be sure about it. I'd rather not make the same mistake I did with Edgar. Still I have hope.
If you're marrying my ex-jerk, you're making a mistake!