Just writing to let you know about a new website - uuni.com - developed for students at the world’s top universities, including Stanford. It’s a good place to interact with people from other schools in the U.S., as well as Europe, Australia, China, and India.
The uuni critter is really cute!
Plus some highlights-
1) Communicate with students from all over the world
2) Blogging, photography, and songwriting competitions. The prizes are trips to Australia, London, or New York to meet renowned professionals in the travel writing, photography, or music industry.
3) Earn some money participating in short online projects that pay $30+ an hour
4) In September, uuni will be launching the corporate site where recruiters from multinational firms will sign up to interact online with potential recruits, students like yourself.
5) In October, uuni will be launching a global entrepreneurship competition. The prize is $40,000 for the best business project idea.
6) No junk mail, I promise.
Hope you’ll check it out and consider joining uuni.com. Thanks for reading!
~Dianna, Stanford '09
uuni.com Stanford ambassador