Aug 30, 2005 21:05
OMG lyke yea dude this is so flippin awsome!! i talked to my friend Jacob on the phone today and he is sooooo sweet! mike im sry but we need to break up cuz we dont talk and i cant take it anymore......sry! so yea anywayz about Jacob yea he lyke sooooooo awsome and i love him to death!! im sry if u have to see this mike but jacob treats me better then u do...he calls me babe and hottie and sexy and alwayz tells me he loves me and stuff like that!!! omg whut a friend!!! yea so thatz y i love him sooooooooo much!! i dunno if hez readin this but jake if u r i love u!!! so yea i do go to swan valley if u didnt relize it people and im mad cuz jake wont go there with me and yea!!! so wutz up with u people!! oo yea kenzie furlo was hangin with me after school and she sayz with this mad face "who do u think is the new couple?" and i said like i felt sry for her "teaghun and ashlee or teaghun and hannah" and she goes "no" and starts to smile and i go "omg u and teaghun" and she goes "yuppppppppp" lol how sweet!! she mad up a cheer to say to ashlee it goes "hahahahha i got him" or summthin like that!!!!!! ashlee u need to back off my gurls boi!!! lol and all u chicks at wp u need to back off my boi jacob!!! lol hez mine!!! i love u jake!!:) omg i had so much homework and then at 4:30 i had basketball tryouts but i quit cuz i dont like it i think ill just stick with baseball and volleyball!! lol yea!! if any of u kno who jacob sullivan is then let me kno!! lmao well yea i gotz ta go!! buh byez peoplez!!!
i love my sexy hott baby!!!<<<<<