
Oct 30, 2015 22:56

Saturday October 10, there was 3 of us at this month's autism group walk around lake Nokemis.
Picked up Dianna and we went to a night time geocaching scavenger event.
Saturday 17th me and Dianna did a few hours of munzee and geocaching, then we helped pull up old decking at my sister's house.
Sunday Church on the radio, then me and Dianna found more munzees.
Monday got a oil change, car may need some work on it the next oil.
Thursday geocaching and munzees, and then autism group.
Saturday the 24th, ran some errands.
Sunday Church on the radio. Pick up Dianna from her work and geocaching and munzees.
One's again I've ran out of energy and had to call in to work.

med, family, geocaching, munzee, church, work

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