Aug 15, 2009 00:43
Moving to Galveston, TX fell through. I really loved the organization and everyone who worked there, but the only thing I was lacking was teaching experience. Which, I do not blame them. I was already apprehensive about dealing with middle school students (gosh, hormones) so this was probably for the better. My appreciation for Milwaukee increased, though. When you are pretty damn sure you have two weeks to pack up your shit and leave, something changes about the way you see your home. Traveling doesn't quite have the same effect because you know you are returning in a week, or month, or even a year. But, when you don't know if and when you will return...that's when you truly begin to appreciate everything about where you live like you never have before. As soon as I got back, I realized a million different great things about Milwaukee that I knew I would not have down there. In a way, it was a very rewarding experience despite the end result. It was like taking a class on how to interview in the real world...but much more realistic. And then again, who actually gets the first job they apply for after college anyways?
So thus, I have begun my search again. I am keeping my head up. I had an interview today that went really well. It was the most laid back interview I have ever had...but I don't know if that is a good or bad thing just yet. This has also given me the opportunity to update my portfolio to include my freelance/commercial/magazine work. By doing this, I realized how much I photograph people, despite the initial fright and nervousness I experience when photographing and interacting with strangers. It all goes back to the reward associated with new challenges and unfamiliar situations. I get such a rush when I am thrown into a totally new situation because once it is over, it always exceeds my expectations because I always expect the worst.
Also, my D60 is broken. I keep getting an error message that is pretty rare, or so people tell me. I have yet to call Nikon directly because I hear you can be on hold for a few hours before you speak to an actual tech representative (eh, what did I expect?). This means I will work in film for a few weeks. Perhaps this is a happy accident because I just purchased a nice Epson scanner that will allow me to scan all my negatives/slides so I can finally edit and possibly post what I have been up to this entire summer. In addition, I took my sister's senior portraits today. We took 2 and a half rolls, which is about 100 photos. If I turn them into Tom Fritz's on Monday, I should have them back by Tuesday or Wednesday and hopefully scanned in by Thursday. Of course, working with film is a more time consuming process, but also a more rewarding one in my opinion. I tried out some new film for the first roll (Ektar 100, I believe) so it should be exciting to see what type of color that produces (i.e. skin tones, contrast, and warm or cool tones). Another thing I love about working in a variety of settings is that almost every time you go out and shoot, you learn something new about how you shoot or what equipment you could have used to make the process more efficient or produce better quality images. All in all..I think it is time to purchase a nice cable release for my portrait work. Trying to hold my reflector, focus, and press the shutter release while making sure my sister was posed correctly was definitely a sight to see, haha. (In my opinion, this is the correct way of purchasing equipment, rather than purchasing it just to have because everyone else as you see fit for your work).
Now back to writing cover letters and rummaging the internet for jobs.