[Rapunzel smiles at the feed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear - hair unbraided for once and showing its monstrous length.]Hello? I was told by Allen that there were supply runs into Credinta and I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind getting me some shoes? The ground here isn't very safe to walk on I've found. But... I have a small
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[But Lenalee won't be mentioning that, no.] Ah... I could-- lend you my shoes, if you'd like. I know what size my feet are, so if they fit you... then I can try and find you a pair... whenever I end up going...
[Things have been distracting her from that trip lately. :T]
That would be so nice of you, but don't you need them to go out into town yourself? It would be rude of me if I just took your shoes. [But using them to size her own would make things easier.]
You haven't gone lately?
Ah- n-no, I don't. I have... another pair. It's hard to explain, but you don't have to worry.
[It would be easier to simply show the girl, she imagines.] ...no, I. I haven't gone at all yet. I planned to go last month, but... [she grows a little distant-sounding] things happened. With so many new people arriving lately, though, I think I should try and get through soon.
Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to walk around barefoot... I'm perfectly fine with staying in my room.
Allen said the buildings disappeared, was it then?
But honestly, Tyki.
What makes you think that hair of hers can be hidden or explained away.
Still, he sees their conversation is still in progress, so he'll hold his tongue for now.]
Mi― Rapunzel. You can have my brush if you like, I don't have much use for it.
[His hair is growing out, but he hasn't given his appearance much thought for a good while now. That brush will serve her better.]
Tyki is being friendly, too. You guys don't warn her about him and he was the one to warn her about Cross. What kind of friends are you? xD]
Hello, Allen! [A brief wave and smile.] Are you sure? It looks like you have a bit of hair yourself.
[smiles back, reaching to tug on a lock of his hair] I'll be trimming it soon, then it'll be nothing my fingers can't take care of. I'd say you need it more than I do.
If you're sure. [Looks at her own hair.] I kind of do need all the help I can get, undoing the braid took forever.
[ Just sort of staring, curiously. ]
There's more but I don't think it would fit on this screen.
[ Leaning in reaal close, despite the fact it's just a screen. ]
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