EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *has the dumb brain*

Dec 12, 2008 15:21

I totally forgot today was Friday.


It's like early gift to you:


Anybody out there with unfinished prompt fics? A story you started but just couldn't complete before I pounded my iron fist on the interwebz and shouted, "TIME'S UP!"? Maybe you stumbled across this comm long after it started and have wanted to feed the bunny an old challenge birthed?

Well, now's the time to shine, little stars!

Until midnight (EST) December 31st, my rigid rules are being laxed. Pick a prompt. Pick ten. Pick two. Pick up that story you never finished and bring it to fruition. For this month, and this month only, you don't have to included the billionty prompts that came after. For these two weeks only, the backlog of found objects is up for grabs.

I ask that you still follow the basic rules:

1) Fic has to be SPN, and must be gen, het, or OC/slash. This comm is a Wincest-free, and RPF/RPS-free zone.

2) Word count can be 100 to 10,000. I'm easy like that.

3) The found item has to figure into your fic. It can be an actual note the boys find or write to one another or someone else. Or the words can be used (in their entirety) as dialog. Or, actually...just go wherever the muse takes you.

And that you pay attention to the posting guidelines:

All posts are to be made directly to the comm and MUST BE TAGGED and include A STORY HEADING and the BODY OF THE POST PLACED UNDER AN LJ-CUT or a LINK. This should be, ideally, a linking post to a post in your personal LJ, though it does not have to be. When posting, please use the format below:

Prompt Number: (all inclusive, when applicable)

The tag should be: ‘challenge (#)’ Please include all challenges used, if there is more than one, and tag as ‘challenge (#), challenge (#), challenge(#)’, etc.

Stories posted ignoring this format will be removed by the mod, and you will be asked to repost properly. Cooperation is appreciated and made of delicious candy.

But other than that? *throws hands in the air* Be free! BE FREE!

If you have questions, ask 'em. If you have incomplete fics, finish 'em. If you have plot bunnies, hold 'em and pet 'em and feed 'em and love 'em, George. :)


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