Aug 21, 2005 15:13
Alright didnt' get to update on Friday, but the one liner from there is "Sambo and I steer our own ship." I love it, in case ya'll didn't know that is in reference to captian of volleyball. Speaking of on Tuesday the 23rd of August[ this coming Tuesday] I have my first game at WHS gym at 5. So if you are able you should come, I play at 5 and varsity plays at 6. Now for the weekend:
Well I went out of town to Atlanta to see my step sister, and that is always an experience. She is the complete opposite of me. Think the absolute complete 180 of me and you got her. So of course that makes things real interesting. She just isn't at the same place in her life because probably she is too concerned with what she is wearing and how she looks. Anyway I'm sure ya'll dont' want to hear that story.