Apr 09, 2009 23:56
- 00:17 Hey, why did my late Sunday/all day Monday Tweets disappear? #
- 10:19 Remember when I said Thursday was going to be a wash? Yeah, not happening. Meeting in 40. Not stoked. #
- 14:08 Rest in peace, Nick Adenhart. 1986-2009. Seriously devastating loss. #
- 17:11 YES! Totally just caught my Dad as having signed up for a Facebook. So, so amused. #
- 19:05 Editing photos from Bamboozle Left. @shygirlswin got some fantastic shots of Fall Out Boy and Cobra Starship signing at the @AltPress booth! #
- 20:08 RT @angelsbaseball: twitpic.com/32rp4 - Picture of the 2 men wanted for the beating death at Angel Stadium. Pass it on! #
- 21:15 Sufficiently weirded out. Just saying. #