Sarugaki Hiyori Application

Jul 29, 2009 00:00

JOURNAL: areisama
IM: AIM: areiisama
RETURNING: Currently no characters in game but I did play Hiyori here a while back.

CHARACTER NAME: Sarugaki Hiyori
FANDOM: Bleach
CHRONOLOGY: Sometime after being healed by Unohana.
CLASS: Hero…really more of a neutral
ALTER EGO: Sarugaki Hiyori

Hiyori was once the vice captain of the 12th division under Hikifune Kirio and then Urahara Kisuke. She was a Shinigami and as a such she was a protectors of both the living and the dead. They help the dead move on when they have trouble, ferry the dead to the afterlife, and fight off/kill (destroying their mask kills them) Hollow. Which are corrupted spirits of the dead, usually turned by being stuck in the living world too long due to whatever is keeping them from moving on on their own. Killing a Hollow purifies the evil spirit and reverts it back to it’s once good nature. That is if the Hollow was a good spirit to begin with. If not, when the Hollow is killed the gates of hell appear and open, dragging the evil spirit into hell. Only those that preformed the most horrific of deeds in life are taken to hell. All murders done after becoming Hollow are automatically pardoned if the Hollow was a good spirit in the beginning.

Hollow come in four types; Menos are simply groups of Hollow that have combined into one entity. These Hollow are drawn to each other, feeding on one another until they combine enough to form a Gillian. Gillian (aka Meno Grande) are the weakest of Menos and the first stage in evolution. They all look the same. They are large, black and all have the same mask upon their face. While they have no personality of their own and simply go on instinct and are generally weak. This makes them incredibly dangerous, especially en masse. Vasto Lorde are the strongest of all Hollow. They are humanoid in appearance. Very little is known about Vasto Lorde due to the fact that it is nearly impossible for an Adjuchas to evolve to that level. Lastly there are the Arrancar. They are a final evolved form of a Hollow. Either through natural means (devouring enough of their own kind and breaking their mask themselves) or through the use of Hougyoku (a very powerful object created by Urahara, that Aizen now has in his possession and was once hidden within Rukia‘s gigai). Many Arrancar were created using the Hougyoku. Hollow live in a desolate world known in Hueco Mundo, which is somewhere between the living world and the Seireitei.

Often a Shinigami much travel into the living world, where those that are still living live. However it is not uncommon for a Hollow to make it's way into the Seireitei ("Soul Society" in English). That is, the realm in which the spirits of the dead go after being sent off. And given that Hollow eat souls the Seireitei is like an all you can eat buffet.

Shinigami must all attend the Shinigami Academy before they can join the Gotei 13. There they learn to hone their spiritual energies. Learning kidou (demon magic), hohou (increased speed, floating in air and increased jumping ability), and Zanpakutou (their swords, which have a spirit of their own). Once they have graduated they are moved into the Gotei 13 as a seated or unseated officer.

All Shinigami carry a Zanpakutou. This sword is connected to the Shinigami and has a living spirit of it’s own. Each one has a different name and varying abilities that fall under one of the elements. Only those that are in tune with their Zanpakutou can master it. There are three stages of the Zanpakuto. First is it’s sealed state, where it is a regular sword. Second is the initial release, or Shikai. This is when the powers of the Zanpakutou are activated, often the state of the sword changes, sometimes becoming something other than a sword. Lastly there is the Bankai. This is when the Zanpakutou has been completely mastered and the wielder is one with their sword’s spirit. Bankai very as much as Shikai but are often larger and flashier.

As a member of the 12th Division, however, Hiyori was more of the science type. Although the Division didn't become devoted to scientific research until after Urahara Kiske took over as captain (this is where Hiyori's bit in the flashback arc begins). She hated Urahara because she could only see him as trying to take Hikifune’s place, whom she saw as a mother figure. Time passed under Urahara’s leadership and while she still acted as if she hated him she had warmed up to him a bit.

Hiyori and the other Vizard were created entirely on accident (even if it was Aizen’s goal to created such a being). A little over a hundred years ago many Shinigami began to go missing. Their spirits vanishing but their clothes were left behind as if they had someone slipped out of them without actually taking them off. When an investigation team (a portion of the ninth division) was sent to check it out the same thing happened to them. Only instead of all of the squad being destroyed the captain (Kensei) and vice captain (Mashiro) were twisted into Hollow (although they appeared almost completely normal except for the masks covering their faces).

Hiyori was sent by Urahara to investigate (this was before he realized she was in danger as well). Upon her arrival she was greeted and nearly killed by Kensei. Others arrived to provide backup once the danger was realized. While being protected by Shinji (captain of the fifth division) she transformed as well.

Eventually all those that had been sent out became Hollowfied. Before the process was complete Aizen (Shinji’s vice captain at the time, later he became the captain, and then defected completely) appeared, revealing himself to be the one behind it all, with the help of Tousen (a member of the ninth division) and Gin (a very young and new member to the fifth division). Urahara arrived at about the same time and with the help of Tessai he managed to get the now Vizard away from Aizen before he could finish them off.

Urahara created the Hougyoku in hopes of reversing the Hollowfication process on Hiyori and the others. Unfortunately it was a failure and he had to flee with them to the living realm with the help of Yoruichi. There he helped them hide and hone their newfound abilities.

Now she is a Vizard, like Arrancar, don’t fall under classification of a Shinigami or a Hollow. Vizard are the antithesis (the complete opposite) of the Arrancar. There aren’t that many of them, just the ones created by Aizen (Hiyori and the others) and then Ichigo (accidentally, or maybe not - you never know with that man, created by Urahara).

Vizard appear entirely human, there is no way to tell what lies beneath. Unlike Arrancar they have a dual personality that must always be kept in check. This is the Hollow (combined with their Zanpakutou it must be pretty crowded in their heads). Their Shinigami abilities are enhanced/combined with their Hollow’s abilities when they don their masks. Making them stronger than any Shinigami. Unfortunately training has only allowed them to keep their masks/enhanced powers activated for a period of three minuets. After that they only have their Shinigami abilities to rely on. Mashiro is an exception to this. Unlike the other’s she was perfectly in tune with her Hollow and required no training from the very beginning. She can keep her mask on for up to fifteen hours if she doesn't push it.

Since Vizard are fused with what the Shinigami consider to be their enemies they are rogues. They are no longer allowed into Soul Society and must hide themselves in the living realm. Hiyori seems to be second in command, maybe even first at times thanks to Shinji’s often lazy behavior. When Ichigo finally agreed to having the Vizard help train him Hiyori helped with her aggressive approach. She is also very abusive to Shinji, often hitting him, biting him, throwing things at him or using him as a shield, this can be traced back to the time when they were Shinigami. Which even then, despite him being a rank above her she still treated him that way.

Of all the Vizard she took the longest to control her Hollow with the exception of Ichigo, who took about the same amount of time.

Nothing is known about her life before she became a Shinigami.

Hiyori, with the other Vizard, had joined the fight against Aizen in the fake Karakura set up by the Shinigami. Upon entering the fake Karakura the fighting stopped long enough for the Vizard that wanted to talk to one of their “old friends” could do so. When Shinji asked the group if they wanted to talk to anyone Hiyori immediately replied that she had nothing to say to anyone there. Shinji said he wasn’t talking to her and a short spat ensued (as always).

Once the fighting started back up again Hiyori teamed up with Lisa to take on Halibel, with the aid of Hitsugaya. The three of them seemed to have little advantage over the Espade and the fight only dragged on. Aizen, growing tired of his remaining Espada having such difficulty with the fight, flash stepped over and killed Halibel. Thus ending that fight.

The Vizard regrouped to face off Aizen. Knowing that they couldn't simply rush him Aizen taunted them which pushed Hiyori over the limited so she rushed in for the kill. Unfortunately for her, Gin decided to step in and used his zanpakutou to sever Hiyori's torso in half. As she watched her lower half fall before her she went into shock.

A much horrified Shinji rushed to her aid and landed on a nearby rooftop. As he held her she said she was sorry for not being able to hold herself back. Shinji told her to hold on as Hachi made his way over. Realizing that the only person that could truly keep Hiyori from dieing was Orihime he asked Hachi to look after Hiyori until Ichigo arrived, assuming Ichigo would bring Orihime with him. He then rushed off to fight against Aizen.

Unfortunately, when Ichigo did return he was sans Orihime but did bring Unohana, captain of the fourth division, with him. Immediately she went straight to work on anyone that was injured, Hiyori included. Once done patching everyone up Unohana said that Hiyori would be alright for the time being. That she would survive as long as she didn't give up on living.

Hiyori is rude, violent, loud, demanding, abrasive, seems to hate just about everyone, and thinks just about everyone else around her is an idiot unless they prove otherwise. She looks up to and takes orders from no one (except when she was the vice captain under Hikifune). She only looks out for herself and those that have proven to be close to her (the other Vaizard). She shows very little respect to the majority of people around her, easily losing her temper and getting into fights. The only person she ever showed respect for was her former captain, Hikifune. Hiyori also seems to harbor a hatred of both Shinigami and humans, which she noted in a rare quiet moment with Shinji, implying she has some major identity issues. It could also be said that her violence is a form of defense mechanism.

She constantly beats up on and yells at Shinji in return for the yelling and teasing her does to her. Truth is they’ve known each other for a long time and that’s how things have always been between them. She constantly refers to herself and Shinji’s bride-to-be…whether it is just as a tease or if she really thinks that is unclear…but it would seem she does have deeper feelings for him than she acts.

She is strong and strong willed but often considered the baby of the group due to her small stature, which annoys her a lot. Than again there isn’t much that doesn’t annoy her.

She has always been the way she is, but since she became a Vizard her personality has only worsened. Deep down she’s really a softy like most people who put up such a rough front. She really just has a hard time showing her true emotions.

Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Spiritual Power: Can sense the spiritual energies of spirits, heavenly/demonic/supernatural beings, and humans (whether they have a higher spiritual energy than normal humans or not). Basically they can find anyone (in certain area) so long as they are alive or still around in a spirit form and not being shielded by their own powers or other forces. She also has access Kido (the manifestation of spiritual energy into various spells that can create fire, light, ice, etc...) ...not that she ever uses them.

Cero: They also gain access to some Hollow abilities, such as the Cero blast. Which is a highly concentrated blast of spiritual energy, something like Scott’s eye lasers. Only usable while her mask is donned.

Power Augmentation: With the acquisition of the mask via the subjugation of ones inner Hollow. A Vizard gains access to a additional and separate source of power, in addition to the Shinigami powers one already possesses (the enhanced speed, strength and stamina). The accumulation of both powers together greatly augments the powers of the Vizard beyond what a Shinigami and/or Hollow alone would be capable of. Only usable while her mask is donned.

As well as whatever powers their Zanpakutou grants them. Although I think in all fairness Hiyori shouldn’t have her Zanpakutou. On top of it all Hiyori can only maintain her mask for a three minuet period before it breaks down and she needs time to “recharge”.

A note: Since Hiyori is a spirit and nothing more she obviously has a gigai given to her by Urahara. Since it is possible for her to leave that gigai and effectively become invisible/intangible to anyone that doesn’t have enough spiritual awareness that would make her hard to harm and/or kill (should someone want to do that). So I believe to make things a little bit on the fairer side, should any damage occur her gigai it will be transferred to her spirit state.

[rpg]capeandcowl, !ooc, !info

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