Apr 08, 2014 12:10
Things I've learnt since having a baby that people didn't tell me:
- when people say your body will never be the same I assumed they meant stretch marks or flabby skin but my while menstral cycle and side effects have changed and not for the better.
- People say when you go into labour you will know. Well considering the last part of pregnancy can involve lots of random aches and groin pains when you get labour it isn't always obvious. I had a long bath and walked around the house while Rich was sleeping deciding if I really was in labour or not until I eventually decided yes.
- There are very little activity places or fun days out that account for very young babies so being a mum to a very new baby can feel isolating and double that if the mum has no car.
- People seem to assume its ok to comment on how you look and by doing so imply your fat/ tired looking/ rough. Those comments really help improve a persons self esteem.
- In theory you have twice as much time as your off work and getting up hours earlier but every activity takes ages andante can't be done as your child won't allow them to be completed. As such you learn that most days your lucky to get one job done to real completion.
- People will happily tell you how to raise your kids because the way they do is obviously better. TBH I already knew this as people told me how to raise my kid before it was even born and some were very condescending and rude.
- Your relationship with your Partner suffers. You don't get to go out as much or have the energy to spend time together.
Ok, these are all bad so here are some counters
- You grow stronger in your relationship with your partner as you are a team both working to keep your offspring alive and are both very proud of what you have managed to do.
- You cant help but feel happy every time your child laughs or gives you a big smile.
- You appreciate your own parents more. One because you appreciate how they must feel for you more and because they occasionally give you a break and offer to help babysit.
- Working to keep your kid alive/ fed/ alert puts all the bollox associated with other things in life into perspective so you care a lot less about stuff that used to wind you up.
- You look forward to Special occasions like Christmas and Easter again as now you can view it through the innocent eyes of a child which reminds you of your own youth and how much fun it was for you.