Torchwood - Children of Earth - Part I

Jul 07, 2009 19:01

I made a promise to myself that I would try to post everyday during the Torchwood week so:

   First, I am really glad people are starting to see how awesome Gwen's character can be. Honestly, I've never been a Gwen fan but I never understood all the hate she seemed to inspire either! Now, even some of the worst Gwen-bashers start to admit that her character can be pretty cool. And Eve Myles was SO good yesterday! I was particularly impressed by the scene in which she talks with Clement but most of all, the very last scene in which she discovers she's pregnant. She looks absolutely terrified and yet, we can see that she incredibly happy. HOW DOES SHE MANAGE TO DO THAT? >_<

Ooooh creepy children! I must admit that I was not impressed by the first trailer. I found the concept of children being used by aliens to invade Earth (or something like that since we still don't know who the 456 are) a tiny bit ridiculous. I was a bit like "Awww, good old Torchwood! You silly, silly show!". But I changed my mind yesterday 'cause GOD ARE THOSE CHILDREN CREEPY! I was watching the episode in the dark and I can tell you I had shivers!

Of course, like every single Torchwood fan in the universe, I also appreciate that Jack and Ianto got more screentime together. I knew the story would be a bit more centered around their relationship but yesterday was a real Jack/Ianto festival! From the first scenes (all the "couple" things) to the very last! Which, by the way, was spectacular! I love how they always try to come up with new ways to kill Jack but I certainly wasn't expecting a bomb in his stomach! ^^

I wanted to try and sleep a bit tonight but I know I won't (eventhough I have to go to work at 8.00 in the morning). Of course, I'm REALLY looking forward to tonight's episode but we didn't see much of Jack in the trailer :/ It kind of bothers me! I hope he'll come back soon in the series. But we'll get to see more of Clement, yay! ^^ I already love him to bits!
   I'm just happy that the first episode contained ALL the spoilers I had read (Jack's daughter, Gwen being pregnant...)! I have been a naughty girl and read everything I got my hands on but now I'm just like anyone else, just really, very excited! XD

Also, for those who don't live in the UK and so have to download the episodes, here are some advice: first, you have to wait until midnight to have a hope of finding torrents (French time). Then I'd advise you to look on Twitter. I searched for the words "Torchwood" + "torrent", refreshed my page every 2 minutes or so and found a link pretty quickly. The first website to list a torrent was but the download was very slow. Still, it was one of the fastest. Anyway, like I did yesterday, I'll post a link on my Twitter as soon as I find a torrent and I'll be watching you all guys in case you find one before me ^^ For those who don't know, I'm @hey_banane on Twitter.

Also, I wanted to thank you flist! I had to wait until 1 A.M. to watch the episode but none of you posted any spoilers. Everything was neatly put behind cuts so thank you very much you nice, caring flist! ^^


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