Yay...New job!!!

Sep 13, 2006 21:46

I am very happy about getting this new job. - www.level4salon.com
I am getting a significant pay increase, it is in Union Square.....and all around I am happy about it, especially because I am moving to Berkeley. Less of a commute.
But then of course I started to think of all of my friends at the place I jsut placed my two weeks at. Raymond Marc Salon. I have been there for three years. I really like the people there. I will miss them. I almost choked up when I thought of Branden, Gabe, and Jenny.- They are my favorite! :( How sad. All of them are artistic in there own way and that attracts me to them.
Branden is a musician
Gabe is a painter
And Jenny.....well, she does a bit of everything.
I am hoping I can still work one day a week there.
But at the same time I don't want to risk my new job.
IT will all work out though.
Well, I have been looking at apartments....I am excited!!
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