Mar 14, 2005 16:49
Best Day Ever. or Close.
And whoda thought it comes on a day when I was up till 4:20 doing my Long Essay. I got up at 7:20 (skiping zero hour already) then after my mom left, decided to forget school and to go back to bed. I got up at noon, took a nice shower, then ran an errand to Wallgreens only to see a good 3/4ths of East IB at Panera. Upon investigation I discoverd a walk-out was in progress and, not to be outdone in my dilinquency, I decided to join them. A unfortionate essay turn in prompted my return to out hollowed halls for 7th hour. But dreding ending such a good day with ToK, I stood right around the corner a waited to find someone who was actually going to class. Thank god for Elizabeth. The apex of these 24 hours was soon to come, as I walked to Drama (an hour late) I saw Ms. Tretbar who said "Dylan! Your actually here! You get a gold star! [seeing my sheepish look] Are you really going to class?" "Im going to A class" She cracked up, smiled and sent me on my way. I kinda love her now.
In other news I fucked up my audition for Black Comedy but even it wasnt bad enough to distroy this awesome day.
with love