Futility (X-Posted from OD)

May 31, 2002 13:19

Lately, I've been thinking about the futility of life..

It does seem rather futile -- if you allow yourself to think about it for awhile. It's hard to accept, which is probably why most commoners don't think about it.

But really, our lives, unless we are inordinantly famous, are relatively futile. Think of how many people on this earth are existing right at this moment.. this moment, as you read this. Now, a few moments later, the number will have changed. That's amazing in itself. Those lives, those that changed the overall number -- were they important? Maybe. But not likely... not unless they're on the news. They may have seemed important to a few other relatively unimportant people.

It's just very odd. And marriage? People swear themselves to one person, and it's no wonder the divorce rate's so high. There are just way too many fish in the sea to swear your life over to just one soul. And especially if you found that one soul in your own backyard. I mean, how much other marriage material may exist out there?

The numbers. Maybe that's what scares me. They're just so high! There are just too many people. And that doesn't include all of the lives that have already passed THROUGH the world, and all of the lives to COME. It's crazy shit... if you allow yourself to think about it, I suppose it's almost depressing. We feel important.. we WANT to feel important, that is. Even if it's only to a few people. But are we ever really important? We're only known in our own little areas. Nobody on the other side of the great wide world knows of us. Not our name, our face, our hands, nothing.

I think most humans are naive.. most don't WANT to realize how many people exist. It might drive them toward insanity.

Maybe that's where I'm headed.

marriage, existential crisis, insignificant, monogamy

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